July 2010
Freddy remains member of the IMMA council for two additional years, serving as the treasurer of the international association (decision at the IZC-IMMS2010 conference in Sorrento, Italy)
6 July 2010
Rémy obtains the "Nano 4 Laval" award for the best presentation at the CERMA student symposium held in Quebec City on July 6th
Congratulations Rémy!!!
June 2010
Abdelkarim Khadhraoui joins us as a research assistant
Welcome back!!!
1 June 2010
Freddy was promoted to the rank of Associate Professor at Université Laval
3 May 2010
Another nice publication!
“Probing Adsorption, Pore Condensation and Hysteresis Behavior of Pure Fluids in Three-Dimensional Cubic Mesoporous KIT-6 Silica” Kleitz, F.; Bérubé, F.; Guillet-Nicolas, R.; Yang, C.-M.; Thommes, M. J. Phys. Chem. C, 2010, 114, 9344-9355
Link to the ACS page: http://pubs.acs.org/doi/pdf/10.1021/jp909836v
This publication is important because it provides new insights into the effects of network interconnectivity on pore condensation and hysteresis behavior in both 3-D cubic KIT-6 and 2-D hexagonal SBA-15 silica materials, and enables a more thorough understanding of the pore structure and textural properties of these interesting materials.
April-May 2010
Rémi Plamont has joined our group for a 5 months MSc internship in collaboration with the laboratory of Professor Ollevier (Organic chemistry)
Solange Schneider starts her MSc studies with us. Her co-director is Professor Larivière (Analytical chemistry)
Nima Masoumifard (PhD candidate) has joined us for a project in collaboration with Professor Kaliaguine (Chemical engineering) and Dr. Pablo M. Arnal (INIFTA, La Plata, Argentina)
Myriam Laprise Pelletier starts her MSc studies in the Department of Mining, Metallurgy and Materials Engineering under the supervision of Professor Marc-André Fortin and co-supervision of Freddy.
Welcome to the group!
9-11 March 2010
On March 9th, François Bérubé has defended his PhD thesis in Chemical engineering with great success
Bravo François!!!!
For this occasion, Professor David Grosso (UPMC and Collège de France, Paris) visited us in Laval. David acted as the external examiner for the thesis and also gave a great lecture on nanostructured thin films prepared by sol-gel chemistry on March 11th
January-February 2010
We jointly celebrate our 50th and 51st scientific publications!!!
“Controlled Postgrafting of Titanium Chelates for Improved Synthesis of Ti-SBA-15 Epoxidation Catalysts”
Bérubé, F.; Nohair, B.; Kleitz, F.; Kaliaguine, S. Chem. Mater., 2010, 22, 1988-2000
Link to article on the ACS page: http://pubs.acs.org/doi/pdf/10.1021/cm9030667
“Insights into Pore Surface Functionalization of Mesoporous Polymer-Silica Composites: Introduction of Reactive Amines”
Guillet-Nicolas, R.; Marcoux, L.; Kleitz, F. New J. Chem., 2010, 34, 355-366
Link to the article on the RSC page: http://pubs.rsc.org/en/Content/ArticleLanding/2010/NJ/b9nj00478e
Congratulations to François, Rémy and Louis for their nice work!!!
January 2010
Our group welcomes Ivan Maisuls, an undergraduate student trainee from La Plata, Argentina. Ivan will stay one month with us, working on the synthesis of nanoporous core-shell materials.This project is performed in collaboration with Dr. Pablo M. Arnal in Argentina.