Articles parus dans des revues scientifiques

2002 à aujourd'hui
  1. Chen J., Larivière D., Timmins R. et Verdecchia K. (2011) Estimation of Uranium GI Absorption Fractions for Children and Adults, Radiation Protection Dosimetry, sous presse.
  2. Milliard A., Durand-Jézéquel M., et Larivière D. (2011) Sequential Automated Fusion/Extraction Chromatography Methodology for the Dissolution of Uranium in Environmental Samples for Mass Spectrometric Determination, Analytica Chimica Acta, 684:31-37.
  3. St-Amand N., Rousseau M.-E., Larivière D., Whyte, J.C., Ungar K.R., et Johnson S. (2011) Radiostrontium and radium analysis in Low-Level Environmental Samples following a Multi-Stage Semi-Automated Chromatographic Sequential Separation, Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 69:8-17.
  4. Guérin N., Langevin M.-A., Nadeau K., Labrecque C., Gagné A., et Larivière D. (2010) Determination of neptunium in environmental samples by extraction chromatography after valence adjustment, Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 68:2132-9.
  5. Larivière D., Benkhedda K., Kiser S., Johnson S., et Cornett R.J. (2010) Rapid and automated sequential determination of ultra-trace long-lived actinides in air filters by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, Analytical Methods, 2:259-267.
  6. Li C., Larivière D., Kiser S., Moodie G., Falcomer R., Elliot N., Burchart L., Paterson L., Epov V.N., Evans R.D., Pappas R.S., Smith J. et Cornett R.J. (2008) Method intercomparison for the analysis of 239/240Pu in human urine, Journal of Analytical and Atomic Spectrometry, 23:521-526.
  7. Larivière D., Cumming T.A., Kiser S., Li C., et Cornett R.J. (2008) Automated flow injection system using extraction chromatography for the determination of plutonium in urine by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, Journal of Analytical and Atomic Spectrometry, 23:352-361.
  8. Packer A.P., Larivière D., Li C., Chen M., Fawcett A., Nielsen K., Mattson K., Chatt A., Scriver C., et Erhardt L. (2007) Validation of an ICP-MS method for the determination of Ce, Sr, and Ti in ceramic materials used in radiological dispersal devices (RDD), Analytica Chimica Acta, 588:166-172.
  9. Larivière D., Brownell D.K., Epov V.N., Cornett R.J., et Evans R.D. (2007) Determination of 226Ra in sediments by ICP-MS, a comparative study of three sample preparation approaches, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 273:337-344.
  10. Larivière D., Packer A.P., Marro L., Li C., Chen. J., et Cornett R.J. (2007) Age dependence of natural uranium and thorium concentrations in bone, Health Physics, 92:119-126.
  11. Larivière D., Taylor V.F., Evans R.D., et Cornett R.J. (2006) Review - Radionuclide determination in environmental samples by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, Spectrochimica Acta B, 61: 877-904.
  12. Larivière D., Reiber K.M., Evans R.D., et Cornett R.J. (2005) Determination of 210Pb at ultra-trace levels in water by ICP-MS, Analytica Chimica Acta, 549: 188-196.
  13. Benkhedda K., Larivière D., Scott S., et Evans R.D. (2005) Hyphenation of flow injection on-line preconcentration and ICP-MS for the rapid determination of Ra-226 in natural waters, J. Anal. Atom. Spectrom., 20: 523-528.
  14. Larivière D., Epov V.N., Reiber K.M., Cornett R.J., et Evans R.D. (2005) Micro-extraction procedures for the determination of Ra-226 in well waters by SF-ICP-MS, Analytica Chimica Acta, 528:175-182.
  15. Epov V.N., Larivière D., Reiber K.M., Evans R.D., et Cornett R.J. (2004) Extraction and determination of Cs in Natural waters by ICP-MS after ion exchange separation, Journal of Analytical and Atomic Spectrometry, 19: 1225-1229.
  16. Epov V.N., Larivière D., Epova E.N., et Evans R.D. (2004) Polyatomic interferences produced by macroelements during direct multi-elemental ICP-MS hydrochemical analysis, Geostandards Geoanalytical Resources, 28:213-224.
  17. Epov V.N., Taylor V.F, Larivière D., Evans R. D., et Cornett R. J. (2003) Collision cell chemistry for the analysis of radioisotopes by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 258: 473-482.
  18. Larivière D., Epov V.N., Evans R.D., et Cornett R.J. (2003) Determination of radium-226 in environmental samples by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry after sequential selective extraction, Journal of Analytical and Atomic Spectrometry, 18: 338-343.
  19. Epov V.N., Larivière D., Li C., Cornett R.J., et Evans R.D. (2003) Direct determination of 226Ra in environmental matrices using collision cell inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 256: 53-60.
  20. Larivière D., Epov V.N., Evans R.D., et Cornett R.J. (2002) Application of di(2-ethylhexyl) orthophosphoric acid for the separation and pre-concentration of radium-226 from ores and biological samples from uranium-mining regions, Canadian Journal of Analytical Sciences and Spectrosctroscopy, 47: 119-124.

Compte-rendus de conférences

2002 à aujourd'hui
  1. Chen J., Larivière D., Timmins R., et Verdecchia K. (2010) Estimation of uranium GI absorption coefficients for children and adults, European Conference on Individual Monitoring of Ionizing Radiation, 8-12 mars, Athène, Grèce, 9 pages.
  2. Chen J., Larivière D., Timmins R., et Verdecchia K. (2008) Uranium GI absorption coefficients for young children, 12th International Radiation Protection Association, 19-24 octobre, Buenos Aires, Argentine, 6 pages.
  3. Erhadt, L., Brousseau, P., Faucher, D., Roy, G., Li, C., Packer, A.P., Li, W., Larivière D., Cornett, R.J., Hogue, R., Chakrabarti, C., Murimboh, J., Andrew, B., Waller, E., Troczynki, T., et Chen, M. (2007) CRTI-03-0018RD – Experimental characterization of risk for radiological dispersal devices, Proc. of the summer symposium : Building Resiliency : from concept to operations,11-14 Juin, Gatineau, Canada, p. 49-50.
  4. Li, C., Larivière D., Epov, V.N., Vais, V., Grindberg, P., Willie, S., Evans, R.D., Cornett, R.J., Sturgeon, R., et Tanner, S. (2006) CRTI – 103RD- New technologies for the rapid assessment of radioactive contamination, Proc. of the summer symposium,13-16 Juin, Gatineau, Canada p. 23-24.
  5. Epov, V.N., Benkhedda, K., Grindberg, P., Vais, V., Li, C., Willie, S., Larivière D., Evans, R.D., Cornett, R.J., et Sturgeon, R. (2005) CRTI – 103RD- New technologies for the rapid assessment of radioactive contamination, Proc. of the summer symposium, 20-23 Juin, Gatineau, Canada p. 48-49.
  6. Larivière D., Epov V.N., Evans R.D., et Cornett R.J. (2002) Chemical separation and preconcentration of radium-226 in environmental samples using Ln resin, Proceedings of the Fourth Biennial International Conference on Monitoring and Measurement of the Environment, Toronto, Canada p. 335-339.
  7. Epov V.N., Larivière D., Evans R.D., et Cornett R.J. (2002) Direct determination of 226Ra in ores and biological samples using collision cell ICP-MS, Proceedings of the Fourth Biennial International Conference on Monitoring and Measurement of the Environment, Toronto, Canada p. 367-372.

Chapitres de livres

2009 à aujourd'hui
  1. Larivière D., et Guerin N., Chapter I: Natural Radioactivity, in D. Atwood (Ed), Handbook of Radionuclides in the Environment, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2010.
  2. Larivière D., Whyte, J.C., Zhang W., Hoffman I., Ungar R.K, et Johnson S., Rapid and automated analytical technologies for radiological/nuclear emergency preparedness, in A.N. Koskinen (Ed), Nuclear Chemistry: New Research, Nova Science Publishing, 2009.

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Adresse postale

Département de chimie, Faculté des sciences et de génie, 1045, avenue de la Médecine, Pavillon Alexandre-Vachon, Québec (QC) G1V 0A6 Canada

Coordonnées pour nous contacter

Professeur Dominic Larivière : local 1250 D, Pav. A.-Vachon | (418) 656-7250 | dominic.lariviere@chm.ulaval.ca.
Laboratoire : (418) 656-2131 poste 6010 ou 8028
Comité de gestion des produits chimiques : (418) 656-2131 poste 7999